Happy Equinox and the beginning of Canada's National Forest Week, September 22-28, with the theme of “Two-Eyed Seeing: Welcoming all knowledge to sustain our forests."
Two-Eyed Seeing is a powerful perspective braiding Traditional Knowledge with Western Science. Through mutual respect and collaboration, we can learn how to implement Indigenous traditions with modern technologies to sustain healthy forests for future generations. Together we are stronger, helping to enable economic innovation and mitigate and adapt to the ever-changing climate challenges (such as wildfires, forest pests/pathogens, species at risk) facing our forests.
The Creston Community Forest invites the community to learn more about the forest sector and its significance to not only Creston’s culture, history and future but Canada’s as a whole in supporting a greater recognition of forests as a valuable, renewable and green resource.
National Forest Week is a yearly celebration that highlights the significance of forests in our daily lives and underscores the need for their careful stewardship. This year's theme, "Two-Eyed Seeing:Welcoming all knowledge to sustain our forests," reminds us of the interconnectedness between forests, people, and the environment.
NATIONAL FOREST WEEK, Originally established in 1920 as Forest Fire Prevention Week and later renamed in 1967 to what is known today, National Forest Week encourages a greater public awareness of Canada's forests as a valuable, renewable and green resource. It challenges Canadians to learn more about the forest sector, and its significance to our culture, traditions,economy, history, environment, and future. Over National Forest Week, several events take place across the country, connecting thousands of Canadians to this vast natural resource, and instilling pride in Canada's forest sector!
To find more ways and information about how you can participate and understand more about this year's theme, click here: https://www.cif-ifc.org/what-we-do/national-forest-week/
To view photos from last year's Grade 5 field trip we hosted with our local partners, click here: https://www.crestoncommunityforest.com/post/creston-valley-students-celebrated-national-forest-week-with-us