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Creston Community Forest

New Trails Completed – July 2019!

Our trail crew have been working slowly yet surely on the proposed trails the CCF has planned for this summer.

Earlier this month, we have completed brushing out the Sullivan Creek Trail – a decomissioned logging road spurring off of the 2km point on Mt. Thompson FSR. This trail provides hikers, runners, bikers, and horseback riders with a 10 km backcountry adventure along the Sullivan Creek drainage through beautiful alder and cedar-hemlock forests. Not only does this trail serve as a lovely day hike, but it also provides non-motorized users access to our proposed hiking trails that spur off of the Sullivan Creek Trail’s switchbacks. Such proposed trails include the Sullivan Creek Connector Trail and the West Ridge Trail.

The Sullivan Creek Connector Trail will connect third big switchback off of the Sullivan Creek Trail with the upper portion of the Thompson Pack Trail, allowing hikers to complete a loop rather than walking down the Mt Thompson FSR!

The West Ridge Trail will allow hikers access from the 4km switchback up the Sullivan Creek Trail all the way to the top of Mount Thompson, eventually connecting hikers to the Thompson Rim Trail. This trail will run up and along the western face of Mount Thompson, and passes through multiple scenic viewpoints, as well as beautiful old growth forests.

This past week, we have completed the middle section of the West Ridge Trail! This ~1km section will connect the 6km and 7km switchbacks on the Sullivan Creek Trail. This portion passes through open old growth stands of engelmann spruce, western larch, douglas fir, and subalpine fir, with low-lying understory made up of twin flower and prince’s pine lining the majority of the trail. Please be mindful of the trail’s new condition and be kind to the switchbacks for it’s first few months!

Maps of the proposed trail area coming soon!

Our 2019 summer student, Brendan, working hard at the pulaski through a particularly rocky section!

Our second 2019 summer student, Chelsea, looking back at completed trail!

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