Social distancing being the current practice, Couns. Jim Elford accepedt a cheque from Creston Community Forest chair John Chisamore (centre) on Friday while Mayor Ron Toyota looked on. The CCF donation is part of its $75,000 commitment for the mitigation of the Crawford Hill water reservoir site. Lorne Eckersley photo
By Lorne Eckersley
The mitigation of the old and now unused open water reservoirs on Crawford Hill got a major boost last week from Creston Community Forest, which has evolved into a major promoter of outdoor recreation in recent years.
CCF board chair John Chisamore announced a contribution of $75,000 as the Town of Creston works “to create a public (community) space for the enjoyment of the general public on a portion of the property.”
Mitigation of the site will mean restoring portions of the property to a more natural state and converting the old reservoirs into small ecosystems, such as marshes. A large bat house on the site will help reduce the mosquito population, Couns. Jim Elford said after accepting part of the CCF contribution on behalf of the Town of Creston.
Chisamore said the donation is part of a greater effort by the CCF to create outdoor recreation and educational facilities like walking paths and outdoor education opportunities.
“The Corporation supports the environmental improvements of the (mitigation) project and wishes to ensure that sufficient funds are available to complete the project,” he said.
Elford, who serves as the Town Council representative to the CCF, credits the Forest Corporation’s board and staff for its efforts to diversify and play a greater role, not just in logging, but in other areas as well.
“CCF did an amazing job in Canyon,” he said. A truly sustainable logging operation involved taking out half of the merchantable timber, then replanting, is now complete.
For full article: Creston Valley Advance Article