Father's Day Trail Feature: Billy Goats Bluff.
This 2.7 km (one-way) trail takes you up to a rocky outcrop overlooking the Creston Valley.
This trail provides hikers with easy-access hiking right outside of town. On the way up the trail passes through an old apple orchard, a fuel mitigation area completed by the Town of Creston in 2012, several rocky viewpoints and several large, old Ponderosa pine trees, some with bear claw marks.
At the top of the bluffs, hikers can enjoy the scenery by sitting at the beautiful picnic table crafted by woodshop students from Prince Charles Secondary School.
A short trail to the north from the picnic tables leads to a bench with a great view of Duck Lake and the lower end of Kootenay Lake.
For access points: https://www.crestoncommunityforest.com/billy-goat-bluffs