On February 1, Creston Community Forest staff met with other members of the Creston Valley FireSmart Resiliency Committee (CVFRC).
The committee was formed in early 2023 to talk about the importance of Fire Smarting properties and wildfire reduction projects needing to occur in the valley.
The CVFRC is made up of:
Yaqan Nukiy,
Town of Creston,
First Nations Emergency Services Society,
BC Wildfire Service,
Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area,
JH Huscroft,
Creston Community Forest
and Canfor.
An open house is scheduled for spring 2024 to provide information and answer questions on the FireSmart program. Watch our social media, website and newsletter for more information on our spring Open House.
You can sign up here for our Quarterly Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/iwjUgk
Pictured here are CVFRC members looking at a wildfire reduction project recently completed by Yaqan Nukiy.